In this world-premiere devised work, meet "a collective of people dedicated to making the world a better place." A journalist. A radical. An astrophysicist. An ancient. And an innocent. What do they have in common? A Leader. He taught them how the speed of modern life is wounding their spirits and decaying their bodies. He taught them how to slow down and live at peace. He can teach you. Practice his rituals, meet his followers. Help stop the ravages of now.
Director Shannon Knapp takes the helm of this daring adventure into the hive mind of a cult. A diverse collective of local actors will originate a character based on their own personal responses to various research and build narratives around their unique role in furthering the collective’s cause.
FEATURING...Michael Barnett, Hannah Brizzi, Elena Falgione, Harry J. Hawkins IV, Rachelmae Pulliam, Matthew Russak